Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Waiting Room"

     A good man entered a waiting room. He had always been good. He was a good child, always listening to his parents and paying heed to their advice. He did well in school, always attentive in class and diligent in his work. He made good grades and went on to college. He was respectful and well liked amongst his peers. He started a business, and because he was honest in his dealings and paid a fare wage to his employees, he was successful and he flourished. He fell in love with a good woman, whom he treated with respect, and they lovingly raised three children. He was known throughout the community as a fair and kind man, regularly giving to those in need. 
  He sat on a bench in the waiting room and worried that he could have done more.

     A while later, an indifferent man entered the room. He had never really cared about anything, sullen in his manner. He was an indifferent child, and his parents struggled to show him the way. He was never empathetic to his classmates feelings and, in turn, not very well liked. He didn't make good grades, but neither did he fail. After school he took several jobs, not liking any, and finally stayed with a company in an entry level position, where he never advanced. He lived in a small apartment. He had no wife or pets.
  He took a seat on the bench next to the good man, and wondered how long he would have to wait.

     A bad man then entered the waiting room. He had been bad from the beginning. His parents had tried their best to control him, but he was simply too much to deal with. They sent him away to a military school where his masters attempted to beat it out of him. But he was hopelessly incorrigible, and he ran away to the city. He quickly fell into using drugs and began committing crimes to support his nefarious habits. He spent much time in jail, where he fought and lost often. He treated objects like women and had no friends.
  He sat on a bench across from the other men and knew this would not end well.

     "Are you waiting here?" said the good man to the indifferent one.
     "I guess, are you?" he asked.
     "That is what I was told to do." said the good man. "Are you waiting here as well?" he asked the bad man. The bad man turned his gaze from the floor momentarily, and then looked away without answering.
     "It doesn't matter." said the indifferent man.

     After awhile, God entered the office of Saint Peter down the hall from the waiting room.
     "Good morning Lord." said Peter.
     "Good morning Peter." said the Lord. "Are they all here?"
     "Yes Lord, they are here, do you need their case files?"
     "I know them." God said.
     "Whom should I let in?" Saint Peter asked the Lord.

     "Let them all in, for they are all my sons."