Why the fuck is liberal a dirty word these days?!? And why the hell are liberals so fucking afraid of admitting to what they are? Self-hating liberal pussies have allowed those backwoods Baptist foot-washing snake-handlers to reinvent themselves as the 'Tea Party' and hijack the whole goddamned country! Jesus was a liberal. You think people gave Jesus a lot of shit? OK, bad example, but this is what I mean people! Do you remember what happened to Him?!? This is no time in history for a milk-drinking, Buddha-loving, turn the other cheek, if you can't say something nice then don't say anything, kind of attitude. We need to KICK SOME BUMPKIN ASS!
Rick Perry can accuse Chairman Bernanke of treason and threaten his life on national television, while we worry about how to word press releases so they don't upset the fucking sensibilities of some gun-toting, six toed, mouth-breather, that thinks this mess was started by President Obama when he was a Muslim in Kenya.
For not even three years yet, President Obama has worked tirelessly and got some really impressive stuff done for this country, all while having his way blocked at every turn by the conservative right. He tackled the healthcare issue, to try and help those without; many of whom voted against him and will again. He tried to clean up George Bush's wars, getting Bin Laden in the process. The GOP has held a majority in congress for almost a year and has put forth not one jobs bill the entire time. Their mantra of, "no tax hikes ever" is tired and played out. They offer no solutions, only more rhetoric and vitriol and more finger-pointing.
This has devolved into a childish schoolyard fist fight, and I know the Democrats have been taught to play nice, but enough is e-fucking-nough! We need to be vocal and we need to be loud. We need to shine a light on the ignorance that is holding this country's progress hostage. If you know someone that is rife with misinformation, fucking correct them! If you do not know enough about the current situation, get informed! C'mon people, this shit is in the ridiculous stage now, and time is ticking.
Speak your mind and let these fucking hillbillies know who's in charge! Do not hide in the shadow of non-involvement and hope for the best! Now is the time for action! Place the blame where it belongs and be not ashamed!
'Bout time somebody told it like it is...right on Woods...I'm a Liberal Democrat and damn proud of it! I love debating with the conservatives that call themselves Republicans only because their family or parents were Republicans. Most often they are totally ignorant of the policies and goals of the GOP. And it is easy to make them show their ignorance when challenging them...IGNORANT BASTARDS and I have a lot of good friends that call themselves "Conservative Republicans"!
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