Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Merica Man"

     Like the parent of an unruly child, I still believe this country is capable of great things. Yes, some of our mistakes have been embarrassing. Yes, some people have been hurt. Yes, both of these are understatements to be sure. But you must crawl before you run and the Human experience is a marathon, not a sprint.

     The fractal geometry of our combined history is disturbing on many levels. Scrutinized too closely, one can and will find instances of horrible atrocities. It is by our nature of self-preservation, that we focus on the negative aspects of our story, in hopes to avoid such fates ourselves; but in doing so we may miss the larger picture. There are always going to be those amongst us who, for whatever reasons, feel compelled to be opportunistic and take advantage of the weak. These are the exceptions and in no way should be considered the rule. But through inaction, do we enable others to hold us back from our manifest destiny. A destiny that is closer at hand now, than ever before. The egalitarian concepts of the great philosophers are on pace to become reality and not simply fodder for academic discussion. It is because of recent enlightenment that we are able to think globally. But with these new amounts of information come discouraging facts about our current reality.

     Only when confronted with a situation's graphic detail, are we likely to act upon it. When every thing's okay, everything is okay. And while ignorance is indeed bliss, in this world of constant knowledge of events near and far, we no longer have ignorance as an excuse for actions not taken. Am I my brother's keeper? Absolutely.

     The responsibility falls squarely on YOU. Not the government. Not the clergy. Not the media. You.

     If you believe in an idea greater than yourself, then act upon those ideals. If you see someone that is misusing power, then it is incumbent upon YOU, to take action. YOU, are the conduit by which justice is served, YOU and no one else. Remember when you were a kid and Smokey the Bear told you, 
   "Only YOU can prevent forest fires." He was right.

     There is no later. There is no better environment or more convenient time. It will NOT be easy. I watched President Barack Obama, a man I am privileged to share the same time in history, address the UN general assembly today. His mantra of 'Peace Is Hard' resonated with me, on a level I hope reaches to the great and meek alike. There is a clarion call going out across this world. Will you answer it?

1 comment:

m.z.wojo said...

Damn straight. Thanks for the inspiration. I had a rather long response I just turned into a post on Grey Primer.