Monday, September 5, 2011

"Time to Opine"

 Today’s show is brought to you by:
LOUSY BASTARD SOAP  ”Don’t live like that, wash that Lousy Bastard!”
     As we rejoin the show, we find that no one gives a shit about your opinion. Let’s listen in.
     It has been my experience that nobody is listening much anymore. Everyone is just waiting for their turn to talk and while you’re talking, they’re only thinking about what they want to tell you. So there seems to be a lot of hot gases blowing about, but not a lot of information being passed on. Not that anyone has had anything interesting to say for quite some time; and maybe that’s why everyone has stopped listening. But I don’t think so.
     I think what’s been happening is that, in this YouTube world of ours, everyone thinks they have something to contribute and it’s all worthy of our attention. And in the land of ‘post what you ate for lunch’ there is serious questionability about what constitutes quality content. I like staying in touch with friends; I do. But I think if we’re going to engage in a global conversation, we should bring some decent fodder to the table.
     Not everything has to be a political diatribe on current tensions in Washington. (Don’t get me fucking started.) But I’m afraid that if everyone talks at once, what little relevant conversation there is, will be drowned out and lost in the white noise. 
     People don’t want to talk about real issues anymore. And God forbid if you try and have a conversation with someone who doesn’t share your beliefs. Forget it. So the circles of debate get increasingly smaller and after a while, we’re all just kind of preaching to the choir. If you only share opinions with people that already share your opinions, then there’s not really much dialogue going on is there? 
     I hate to think that the Internet has somehow just given a larger microphone to the obnoxious and loud, but it seems that way. Used to be, you had to be mildly amusing or an expert of some sort to warrant a large audience. Not anymore. Step right up and hog-tie some bandwidth with your mindless drivel! Anyone can do it; and they are! 
     I feel that especially in this country right now, the true populous has lost its voice. The fringe has taken center stage with its media circus and it’s time we wrested it back. So please, if you possess half a brain and have read a book at any point in your life, help me quiet the unwashed masses so our children won’t have to battle the machines and Dick Cheney for control of the planet. Thank you.     

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