Friday, September 30, 2011

"Murder 3"

     The crows ran with me a little this morning, with their skip, step, hop. I think they wanted to check in with me to remind me to slow down. Not my running pace, which could hardly be slower, but my living pace.

     As with most people, I can, and do, get easily caught up in the daily grind. If I'm not digging my way out of a hole, then I'm nervously looking around for the next opportunity, scared I might waste valuable time...doing what, I don't know. Is it a waste of time to relax? Must we constantly be in search of the next 'thing'? I know I largely feel that way. And maybe for me especially, since I truly did waste large chunks of my life in nefarious pursuits, but even so, it can't possibly be about that can it?

     Whether you're religious or not, philosophical or not, no matter what it is that you subscribe to; it can't possibly be about 'things' right? I mean 'Life'. You know, that thing we're all living? I mean Ipad 2's are cool, I'll grant you, but they're hardly the stuff that fulfills the human yearning to 'be'. Or are they? They connect us, let us share our hopes and dreams, make advancements in almost every science possible, through accessibility of new technologies; truly amazing devices. But I can't help but think, there might be something more. No, not Ipad 3's. I mean a lot more.

     In a hundred years, no one's going to give a shit. Generally speaking, a true statement. Most of the things you'll worry about today, won't even be a concern next week. Doesn't mean there aren't real issues to deal with in your life, but rarely ones that dominate your entire reality. Humans are resilient. It has been my experience that when people have truly large obstacles to overcome, they will rise to the occasion. This is good to know. And is true of you as well.

     If you're reading this, you're fine. No one that has real issues takes the time to read the musings of a misguided outsider. And on the off chance you're homeless and on the computer at the library, you still have the sense to be at the library. You're fine. My point is, you can stand to slow your roll a little. Maybe not you, homeless guy, you might need to pick it up a bit, but the rest of you could probably use a break. Enjoy yourself. Have a drink, kick your shoes off, call in sick, whatever. Don't make it a fucken habit, or you'll end up at the library, but you know what I mean.

     A life in constant pursuit of anything is a waste. Unless that 'thing' is enlightenment, you can't take it with you. And if you're building an empire for your children, you might serve them better by building a few sandcastles instead. Let them build they're own empire if that's what they want to do. Nobody lays on their deathbed and says,
   "I wish I'd spent more time at work."

     Relax dude, it's going to be fine. Go enjoy yourself today and give someone a hug.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"Just Run"

     Confidence begets confidence, don't let the bastards get you down. When you're tired and you need to rest, just run. When you've given your all and life has slapped you down, just run. When you've tried everything and you can't go on, run.

     It's morning and the sun is beginning to rise and shine it's light upon the world. It is a dark night that we awaken from, but now, I believe people can see. There have been other nights from other ages; some, I'm sure, seemed they would never end. Many individuals must have spent there entire lives within these periods, never having been witness to the dawn. But as a race, we endured. 

     There was an awakening of language and tools, and a fight to dominate our environment. We could have never advanced and propagated as we did, without working together and sharing knowledge and technologies, so future generations could build on what we'd learned.

     It took us from the caves and brought us into an agrarian lifestyle in which we flourished. But men need to be governed in a society and with leaders comes power, and with power, corruption. And so we built the pyramids on the backs of slave labor until, with an exodus from Egypt, we gained freedom from oppression, if only for a moment.

     We thrived and spread out around the globe and slaughtered ourselves in a land-hungry fight for supremacy. Great nations rose and fell while emperors and would be gods played with the lives of men, in a vain attempt to rule the world. We polarized around distorted tenants of religion and killed in the name of God; and still, as a people, we pressed on. 

     We have risen above many times: in the Renaissance, the New World, and the Industrial Revolution. And each time, those in power have sought too much. Sometimes, as in 1939, bringing us to the brink of world destruction. But we prevailed. Here in this country, we strove to build on the democratic ideals of Voltaire and Franklin and Jefferson, but did so at the expense of the black slave. The civil rights movement that we like to treat as a battle already won, was merely the first glimmer of light in the earliest of dawns, and we have miles to go before we sleep.

     There are those among us who are opportunists. There are those that rule today that have naught in their hearts but unassailable greed and lust for power. It is nothing new. It is, as it has always been, and their time is short. Soon, we shall rise again and enter a new age of egalitarian enlightenment, where we will flourish and advance as one race, one people. And, in time, the light will begin to fade. It is the way of the world.

     But let us not be distracted by the cyclical nature of things. Let us not be deterred by the rhetoric of the ruling class. Those who would oppose the will of the majority, will not last. In the prophetic words of Mr. Cash, 
   "He's gonna cut you down."

     So, get up, stand up. Stand up for your rights. Don't give up the fight. Stand because you just can't stand it any longer and for those who can't stand for themselves, and run.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

"I'm Not a Racist"

     I'm not a racist. Just because I'm white and you're not, doesn't make me a racist. And if you knew my true 'bloodlines' you might be quite surprised. 
     Granted, I look and, for all intents and purposes am, a 'white guy'. Also noted that I am a goateed, shaved headed, heavily tattooed, white guy. You don't like me. That still doesn't mean I'm a racist. And whether you're white and want to lump me in with your own small-minded crowd or, you are from some ethnicity or religious background and assume I am; I am still not a racist. Doesn't mean I like you, it just means I may not like you for the reasons you think I don't like you. Give me a chance. There are a slew of reasons why I may not like you. Don't assume I lack imagination and need to use something as hack as race, religion or creed. I could fill Quest Field with reasons I don't like you.

     Actually, the fact that you assume I am, kinda makes you, a racist. You don't have to be 'white' to be a racist. It helps, but it isn't necessary. If you are white and a racist, well you're right on track aren't you? Your just another slack-jawed cousin fucker, spouting bigoted shit taught to you by your uncle while he cork-screwed yer keester on the north forty. Doesn't mean I am a racist. It's much harder, I assume, to be a racist of color. If you are Black and, hate Asian folks; that doesn't speak well of you. If you are Israeli and, are prejudice of Palestinians; where is your empathy? In California, many in the Black Community were elated (as was I) at the election of Barack Obama. Shortly thereafter some of those same people supported Prop. 8, lacking any sympathy for the Gay Community that had come out (no pun intended) strongly to help elect the first Black President. Any which way you slice it, that shit ain't cool.

     Also, if you are a Black guy and come into my shop, half tanked on booze and all 'crack talkie' asking,
   "How much for da Supadome on ma back real huge?" and you get all indignant when we try and explain that that is a very large and expensive tattoo; it doesn't make me a racist. If some upper-middle-class white woman crocked on Chablis and Xanax, came in inquiring about pricing for a rendering of Nordstrom's, writ large on her backside and became huffy when I explained that it couldn't be done in twenty minutes so that she could still make her mani-pedi appointment; that wouldn't make me a racist would it? No, it would make her an ignorant drunk. Do I lump you in with her? Absolutely. I'm sorry if I offended your bridge and tunnel sensibilities, but that doesn't make me a racist.

     I understand why people judge others through profiling. If I was a fifty year old woman and saw me walking up; I might also grasp my purse a little tighter and cross the street. I get it. It doesn't mean that it has no effect on me, it just means I understand. Korean shop owners aren't losing sleep over the fact that Black teenagers don't like them. They don't like them because Korean shop owners are notoriously prejudice against Black teenagers and, treat them accordingly. The Palestinian Authority isn't crying in their soup at night because the Israelis will never come over and Dreidel with them; they just want them to stop occupying and stealing their land under the guise of Israeli national security. Parenthetically, the Israelis are the ones with the guns and large army by the way; the Palestinians have rocks and have to wait for hours to get through Israeli 'security' checkpoints on their own land inside the West Bank, only to find their fields usurped by armed Jewish 'settlers'.

     Look, our Martian Overlords aren't going to care what color your skin is, or what false God you pray to. They're going to lump us all into one large basket of 'Cheap Earthling Labor'. So before we all get shipped off to work the spice mines on the moons of Jupiter, let's try to be nice to each other, okay?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Merica Man"

     Like the parent of an unruly child, I still believe this country is capable of great things. Yes, some of our mistakes have been embarrassing. Yes, some people have been hurt. Yes, both of these are understatements to be sure. But you must crawl before you run and the Human experience is a marathon, not a sprint.

     The fractal geometry of our combined history is disturbing on many levels. Scrutinized too closely, one can and will find instances of horrible atrocities. It is by our nature of self-preservation, that we focus on the negative aspects of our story, in hopes to avoid such fates ourselves; but in doing so we may miss the larger picture. There are always going to be those amongst us who, for whatever reasons, feel compelled to be opportunistic and take advantage of the weak. These are the exceptions and in no way should be considered the rule. But through inaction, do we enable others to hold us back from our manifest destiny. A destiny that is closer at hand now, than ever before. The egalitarian concepts of the great philosophers are on pace to become reality and not simply fodder for academic discussion. It is because of recent enlightenment that we are able to think globally. But with these new amounts of information come discouraging facts about our current reality.

     Only when confronted with a situation's graphic detail, are we likely to act upon it. When every thing's okay, everything is okay. And while ignorance is indeed bliss, in this world of constant knowledge of events near and far, we no longer have ignorance as an excuse for actions not taken. Am I my brother's keeper? Absolutely.

     The responsibility falls squarely on YOU. Not the government. Not the clergy. Not the media. You.

     If you believe in an idea greater than yourself, then act upon those ideals. If you see someone that is misusing power, then it is incumbent upon YOU, to take action. YOU, are the conduit by which justice is served, YOU and no one else. Remember when you were a kid and Smokey the Bear told you, 
   "Only YOU can prevent forest fires." He was right.

     There is no later. There is no better environment or more convenient time. It will NOT be easy. I watched President Barack Obama, a man I am privileged to share the same time in history, address the UN general assembly today. His mantra of 'Peace Is Hard' resonated with me, on a level I hope reaches to the great and meek alike. There is a clarion call going out across this world. Will you answer it?

Thursday, September 15, 2011


     Fashion is a funny thing. No one leaves the house without considering it and yet a lot of modern fashion is centered on looking like you don't. The disheveled hipster look, for example. Very bohemian, very cavalier and meticulously put together. Almost everything is an oxymoron these days, disguised as 'ironic' fashion. I wish I could have some fucking stupid idea and convince people it's cool. Wait, I've done that. Well, the first part anyway; I'm not sure what magic has to happen for the second part, but I'm working on it.

     You can tell a lot about a person from their fashion sense, or their lack of it. Most people experiment with different looks in school and then settle on some genre of dress, somewhere in their twenties. If you want to know what someone was like when they were younger, look at how they're dressed. 

   The Midline:
     These are the 'I get my shit at Target and don't really have a style' people. They look alright for polite society, but aren't out shakin' up the world. They were probably a little dry when they were young and are still stuck in a midline vanilla existence. They are aware of fashion, but somehow feel it doesn't apply to them.

   The Metalhead:

     The, 'I still wear Iron Maiden T-shirts and not in an ironic hipster way' guy. This guy was probably not steeped in academia in his school days, but did alright in a few shop classes. He works with his hands, has nine kids and enjoys a good race. 
     P.S. Any women with this fashion sense should be married to some dude in a meth lab, or reconsider their style immediately.

   The Hipster:

     The hipster is one of my favorite animals to study. They roam free in my city, unwashed and unchecked by the rules of polite society. Their format of dress is supposed to denote an air of apathetic aloofness, but there are specific rules that must be adhered to, or you will simply be dismissed as a kook. (It's a fine line.) Let's start at the bottom.
     Shoes. Usually Tom's, 'yes I'm wearing my sister's shoes and somehow that's okay.' Your father must be thrilled.

     Skinny jeans. Skinny jeans are cool. If you're a hot chick. They are most certainly not cool, if you are a boy and decidedly not cool if you are a full grown man. Jeans so tight they could give you a heart arrhythmia, are not okay. 

     Shirts. Shirts should be comfortable. If you put on a shirt and it squeezes all your pudge into little bundles, so you resemble a potato sack; find a different shirt. And I get the whole retro thing, but resurrecting something from the dead, doesn't necessarily make it cool. Haven't you seen Pet Cemetery?

     Finally, head gear. Please don't wear knit wool caps in the summer heat. You're making my head sweat just looking at you. Besides, you'll fog up your giant glasses.

   The Suit

     The business attire set. These folks used to be cool. Used to be. Now, they have just become conformists. Stuffed into starched shirts and German metal coffins, their only release is a few over-priced cocktails on the weekend and wearing women's jeans with square-toed shoes. You're not cool anymore. No one thinks your cool. You just look rich and douchey.

   The Punk

     These people are close to my heart. They are weirdos to be sure, but they possess a freedom known only to them and children. Kids are very PunkRock. They have a certain 'yeah, I'm wearing Spider-Man pajamas at the store, you gotta fucken problem with that?' attitude. I like that. They don't give a shit whether your fascist ass understands or not. That's what fashion is supposed to do. Make a statement and set you apart. Nowadays, people are spoon-fed their fashion from T.V. and media. How are you unique and different, when you're wearing someone else's uniform?

     So, as New York's fashion week comes to an end, I hope you'll all give them a big F U, and go buy a new outfit at the Salvation Army.

     Today's program has been brought to you by: Dickies Work Pants. Making mechanics and tough guys look cool since 1918.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Pottery Snob"

     So, as some of you know, I bought an old kick-powered pottery wheel the other day. It's just a simple wooden frame with a balanced stone wheel laid flat, that you kick and spin the pottery wheel attached on top. Very simple, very cool.
     Little did I know that with this purchase, I would enter the world of one of the most persnickety and least known secret societies ever constructed. The Order of the Pottery Snob.

     The gentleman I got the wheel from seemed innocuous enough and maybe that was to plan. The actual acquiring of said wheel was easy, but I had no idea what was involved in procuring supplies or even making it work. Secrets so tightly guarded, that one would have to brave the web of ambiguous, hobby-specific, clerk jargon, just to get started.

     First of all, I had no idea that the pottery aristocracy elite, was centered here in Seattle. But I probably should have guessed that it was. Every other hippie-dippy pursuit you can dream up while taking glass rips and eating Fruit Loops is championed here, why not ceramics? But a lot of those really seemed cool. The whole descending chain of uber-underground music, that you have to know, to know, to know about, resides here; and I get that, it's Seattle. But music ain't pots and I was about to find out that that didn't matter to these folks. I was an outsider and unwanted.

     I'd been an outsider before. As a tattooer, I'm placed squarely outside the box in polite society's view, but even so, retain a certain 'cool factor' that usually gets me a pass into hard to access factions like the pot snobs. Not so here. From the minute my daughter and I walked in to the pottery mega-store with a 'Skull and Bones' feel, the icy reception was palpable.
     "...and I couldn't believe she said that, and I was all, and she was all, and I was like..."
(clerk talks to co-worker as we stand right in front of them) Finally:
     "Did you need something?"
     "No, I'm just waiting for a bus." (Is what I should have said.)
     "Yes, we just got a kicking wheel and we needed some clay." Oddly enough, I somehow thought the fact that we had this arcane technology of the kick-powered wheel, might actually garner some respect for, I don't know, being green and extra hip? Not so. Apparently it put us in line with protruding-browed cave-dwellers, at or around the advent of fire. 
     "What kind of clay?" What kind? I don't know, the kind for a Jurassic Era pottery wheel I guess.
     "I don't know, do you have a main seller that most people use?" 
     "Well, it depends on what temperature you're going to fire at and what glazes you're going to use. If you're using stoneware clays then you..." At this point she starts going into some really specific referencing that I clearly don't understand and is fairly miffed that afterward, I still don't know what I want.

     After some heavy breathing and shared eye-rolling with her co-workers, she reluctantly came from behind the counter and showed us to some clay that was undoubtedly the stuff she sells to teachers for their third-graders. She then sold us some glazes we could put on with our fingers, and then offered a parting shot when asked how much it was to have things fired in their kiln.
     "Well, you'll probably just have like, a little bowl and a couple of mugs, so, like four bucks." 
     'A little bowl and a couple of mugs' huh? I don't know that we'll have time for more than one mug, what with the NASCAR schedule and the wrestling tickets we just got. 
     "You bumpkins have a good time makin' a mess back at the trailer now, ya hear!"
     I was now positioned to fabricate the most amazing porcelain candy dishes and fine china one could imagine. Just to show this squat, potato sack of a man-lady with a bad haircut, what us 'bumpkins' could do.

     So, guess how good it feels to figure out the warthog back at pottery supply was right and that this shit is crazy hard and probably not for everyone? Yeah, not great. That fucken bitch was laughing at us and I knew it. It was then that I realized what I had to do. No, not burn down pottery supply. Not yet. I needed to become the greatest ceramics artist of our time. (cue eye-rolling from my wife.) But it fucken kills me that these pottery elitists would make us feel like slack-jawed peons while we suckled at the teat of pottery knowledge. 

    So, I am resigned to watching as many YouTube tutorials as necessary and making a big fucken mess on the deck, until the day when I can raise my hand (hopefully with a really cool mug in it.) and say,
   "I too, am a Pottery Snob!"

Monday, September 5, 2011

"Time to Opine"

 Today’s show is brought to you by:
LOUSY BASTARD SOAP  ”Don’t live like that, wash that Lousy Bastard!”
     As we rejoin the show, we find that no one gives a shit about your opinion. Let’s listen in.
     It has been my experience that nobody is listening much anymore. Everyone is just waiting for their turn to talk and while you’re talking, they’re only thinking about what they want to tell you. So there seems to be a lot of hot gases blowing about, but not a lot of information being passed on. Not that anyone has had anything interesting to say for quite some time; and maybe that’s why everyone has stopped listening. But I don’t think so.
     I think what’s been happening is that, in this YouTube world of ours, everyone thinks they have something to contribute and it’s all worthy of our attention. And in the land of ‘post what you ate for lunch’ there is serious questionability about what constitutes quality content. I like staying in touch with friends; I do. But I think if we’re going to engage in a global conversation, we should bring some decent fodder to the table.
     Not everything has to be a political diatribe on current tensions in Washington. (Don’t get me fucking started.) But I’m afraid that if everyone talks at once, what little relevant conversation there is, will be drowned out and lost in the white noise. 
     People don’t want to talk about real issues anymore. And God forbid if you try and have a conversation with someone who doesn’t share your beliefs. Forget it. So the circles of debate get increasingly smaller and after a while, we’re all just kind of preaching to the choir. If you only share opinions with people that already share your opinions, then there’s not really much dialogue going on is there? 
     I hate to think that the Internet has somehow just given a larger microphone to the obnoxious and loud, but it seems that way. Used to be, you had to be mildly amusing or an expert of some sort to warrant a large audience. Not anymore. Step right up and hog-tie some bandwidth with your mindless drivel! Anyone can do it; and they are! 
     I feel that especially in this country right now, the true populous has lost its voice. The fringe has taken center stage with its media circus and it’s time we wrested it back. So please, if you possess half a brain and have read a book at any point in your life, help me quiet the unwashed masses so our children won’t have to battle the machines and Dick Cheney for control of the planet. Thank you.     

Sunday, September 4, 2011


     Status is a funny thing. In this country especially, we are made aware of it and it's implications, at a very early age. There is hierarchy within the family: parental, parent to child, as well as parent to parent; and sibling status within the group. A lot of dynamics, all playing off one another and all having something to do with the status each individual enjoys out in the world, separately from the group.

      Status at school. If you didn't have it, you were acutely aware of that fact and even if you thought you had it, it's only fucken high school, it doesn't really count. College might be another story, but when you're in college everyone is busy blowing smoke up your ass, telling you what a bright and special flower you are, so it isn't very realistic.

     Yes, you only truly know what the world thinks of you once you leave the bubble; and it isn't very much, trust me. My grandfather used to say, 
   "Don't take yourself too seriously, nobody else does." I have only recently clued in to how accurate a statement this is. But it takes a long time to realize how ultimately impotent and mediocre you are in the cosmic scheme of things. No one would ever leave the nest without the requisite hubris and over-blown sense of self. It's only a few thousand kicks in the teeth later, that you realize why old guys move so slow. There's no fucking hurry. From dust whence you came, so too shall you return. 

      But there is some living to do in the meantime and to be even marginally successful at it, you need some God damned positioning. And lest you forget that every other swingin' dick in the territory is jockeying for position himself, we now have the aid of mass media to constantly remind us. Women: you'd better be beautiful. (forget smart, that shit's overrated.) Men: you'd better be rich. (and good looking if you want to spend some of that money on a woman.) Everyone: Be fit. Be rich. Be good looking. Be a perfectly shaped, independently wealthy, underwear model that eats vegan food paste made from sustainable green fuel.

     What a perfectly shaped ball of shit. Does anyone care if you're nice to people anymore? Do they care if you have respect for your elders and family? Do they care if you are truly a good person at heart? Pfft, are you kidding?!? Of course they fucking don't! Mother Theresa was a beautiful person. Ghandi was an amazing man. I've never once heard of anyone telling their children to be like either one of them. Michael Jordan made more money than God, by playing a game and being a giant self-centered prick. Just so he and his father could drive sports cars, drink all night, gamble and dick whores. There are countless parents nation-wide, women and men, that would kill to have their kids be exactly like him.

      My point is, in this massive struggle for supremacy we have going on out in the world today, how do we expect people to be able to differentiate between the necessary amount of confidence one needs to be able to effectively bring home the bacon and an amount that bleeds out over the family and can color an entire lifetime with resentment and despair. Success at the cost of family and friends isn't much of a success. At the end of the day, things are just things and while some money is needed to live and definitely can make things more comfortable; I don't think that amassing huge amounts of wealth is necessarily a guarantee of true happiness. David Lee Roth said,
   "Money can't buy you happiness, but you can get a huge yacht, pull up next to happiness and crawl all over it." And while I completely concur with this statement, one hundred percent; it would be pretty sad crawling all over happiness by yourself.

     I guess what I want to say is this; think about it. At what cost, this thing success? And success at what? Excelling at some endeavor that only serves to widen the gap between the haves and have nots? And in turn widens the gap between family members? It has been my limited experience that friends and family will stick around, even when all your 'stuff' has been taken from you. I mean, if you've been nice to them. I've known a couple of rich folks in my time and I don't know if I would classify any of them as 'happy'. I have also known a few poor folks that had some of the most wonderful existences and richest lives I've ever seen. It was mostly due to their particular experience, usually coming from some sort of adversity, and having a life perspective that shines a light on what is truly important.

     Nobody wants to be subservient to someone else, but try and show each other a little fucking respect from time to time. It goes a long way.

Friday, September 2, 2011


     There is a curious fairy that resides at 1.5 mi out. She'll flit about, patiently waiting for me to come lumbering by. The road to meet her is grueling and fraught with danger. (mostly for my knee) But our visits are amazing and keep me coming back for more. They are also fleeting and over far too quickly; but I will remember her fondly, rise tomorrow and begin the chase once more.